
The Son of the Heavenly Emperor shows

His great love in this,

that He has taken our nature to be His Bride,

and made it partaker of His glory.

-Albertus Magnus

Love is the topic of too many songs and stories to number. We search for it and mourn it’s absence. We celebrate it and treasure it. For as much as we seem to talk about it we still struggle with it.

Love cannot exist in a vacuum. It requires there be at least two people. One person to be loved and the other to love. God uniquely has love as part of His character. Love is part of who He is, not an after thought.

God existed in love perfectly inside the trinity and then created out of the overflow of that love. God has been the one to pursue us with a perfect love. Even when we were not looking for it God was loving and pursuing us.

Our love is often filled with personal agendas and hidden motives. But God’s love is pure. In fact from Him flows the fountain of love from which we learn to love others with.

Jesus coming to earth to be among us and to save us from our sins on the cross is the ultimate act of love. When we look to Jesus we see the love of God perfectly displayed. We are recipients of this perfect love and it transforms us.


December 21 John 13:34-35
December 22 1 John 4:7-12
December 23 1 Corinthians 13:1-7
December 24 Deuteronomy 10:17-19
December 25 John 15:9-17

“At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God’s own love and concern.”

– Mother Teresa