Ephesians 4:17-32 completes a series of Paul’s thoughts on the nature and foundation of unity in the church, the call and pursuit of christian maturity, and the ways in which our lives are called to change in the process.

As “saints…the faithful in Christ Jesus,” the Ephesians are no longer to live as the Gentiles do. Obviously, Paul no longer sees the Ephesians simply as “Gentiles,” but now understands that their identity is primarily in their oneness with Christ. As such, they should no longer live with futile thoughts, hardened in their hearts, and with no sensitivity to the things of conviction, repentance, and holiness.

The believer is to “put off the old self… made new in the attitude of your mind….and put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph. 4:22-24) Decisions must be made. We have been taught about Jesus and we have received the gospel by faith. Will we continue to live as the Gentiles do? Or, will we let the “old man/woman” stay in the grave and live confidently in our resurrected identity?

Paul seems to think that, in large part, this is a matter of choice. In verse 25 and following, he tells the Ephesian believers exactly what they can stop doing or start doing if they want to live “to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Considering some of these choices will be our work this week.

Key Bible Passage(s)

Weekly Discipleship Practice

Full Sermon


  1. When we consider the question of identity (make sure you watch or rewatch the sermon from Sunday if you are unsure of where this fits into Ephesians 4), what is it that YOU think you are known for? What is it that you think OTHERS would say that you are known for?